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the sparkling creative

Feb 26, 2018

Join my conversation with Annette Ferguson where we talk all about bookkeeping, managing your financials and developing healthy money habits. Because taking care of your finances, your books and your tax payments can be easy.



Takeaways from today's show:

  • You need to take money home! Don't just keep investing in...

Episode 41: Hiring a designer

Feb 22, 2018


Hiring a designer can be tricky, scary and time intensive. That's why I have collected a couple of tips that will make it easier for you! I hired my first designer, and it was a terrible experience. I paid them money for an unusable result. Don't make the same mistakes, instead, learn from my experience.


Feb 19, 2018

Running a creative business is though. Time intensive and everytime we think we've figured things out we discover that there is just a new challenge waiting behind a corner. Some of them were totally capable of overcoming on our own, analyzing the situation will give us the necessary clues to find a solution. However...

Feb 12, 2018


If you'll ask me what the one thing was that changed my business from making no money at all to one where I have to handle waitlists, it is entirely due to pitching and promoting. Doing just that and focusing on it brought many awesome clients into my life and business. However, it also helped me to change...

Feb 5, 2018

2018 might feel for you already like it started on the wrong foot, however, let's be honest there is enough time left to turn things around. I'll share with you exercises that will prepare you for a freaking remarkable year, and if things are already going pretty well, you might be able to make them even better. Let's...