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the sparkling creative

Jun 24, 2019

When talking to fellow creatives and clients, I often hear phrases all along the lines I'm supposed to be further along the way, I should do fill in the blanks,...

It feels like we're all apologizing because we're not doing what we think we're supposed to do.

It's nuts. We're creatives dam it! We're not supposed to...

Jun 18, 2019


(Live) video becomes more and more important at the moment. However jumping on the bandwagon can be a bit scary. It's scary to jump in front of the camera, figure out the tech and what to share. In todays episode I'll be getting you way on your way to video savvy. I'll be sharing my go to content ideas and ALL the...

Jun 10, 2019


We're doing something new on the show!

Every couple of episodes I'll be answering a listener question.


Today's question is:

How to get from having a hobby to running a legit creative business?


You too have a question? Than ask away here:

Mentioned on the Show:

The sparkling...

Jun 3, 2019

Talking about money or even thinking about money can be stressful. Money could even give you anxiety, but it doesn't have to be this way. Join Tonya Rineer, the money mind set maven and me in todays episode where we talk about money and how you can elevate your feelings about money, which will help you create the...