Aug 17, 2017
Welcome sparkling creative! I'm super excited to welcome you to the show.
Listening to this very first Episode of the show you can expect to get to know more about the Podcast, the sparkling creative community and me, your host Kerstin Pressler. I'll be sharing about my journey in the creative field, why I decided to share my experience with you here on the show and what is coming up in the future.
Highlights of today's show:
Mentioned in the Show:
We're celebrating publishing the show with a big fabulous giveaway!
So make sure to check it out here.
Because I hate it if I don't get something when participating in a giveaway, we'll be giving a little something to everyone that joins!
You don't want to miss out on that!
Become one of us and join the sparkling creative community!
Surround yourself with fellow creatives, that not only create sparkling creative pieces, but also sparkle when it comes to the financials of their creative adventures. Be part of a sparkling community and own your creative strength. We'll support you and help you live the sparkling creative life you've always dreamed about.
Connect With Us
I would love to connect with you!
If you’ve got a question about today’s episode or want to leave me some inbox love, you can email me at Or, you can always find me hanging out in my happy place, the sparkling creative community over on Facebook.
I would also LOVE it if you’d leave a podcast rating or review on iTunes!
I know it can be hard to figure out, so here are a few step-by-step instructions on how to leave an iTunes rating or review for the sparkling creative Podcast from your iPhone or iPad.
1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
2. Tap the Search tab.
3. Enter the name of the podcast you want to rate or review.
4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right.
5. Tap the album art for the podcast.
6. Tap the Reviews tab.
7. Tap Write a Review at the bottom.
8. Enter your iTunes password to log in.
9. Tap the Stars to leave a rating.
10. Enter title text and content to leave a review.
11. Tap Send.