Aug 18, 2017
YAY! This is the first ever interview with a creative on the show.
Join me and hear all about how Lilah up-leveled her graphic design business into a graphic design agency. How she was able to retire her husband out of a job he didn't like, because of her creative adventure. We'll chat about pricing, building a creative business around your personal life, filling your client wait list and a ton more.
Lilah is super open about her journey and how you can implement the lessons she learned in the past couple of years.
Highlights of today's show:
Let your “design work” work for you, so it's not just pretty but actually, helps you grow your creative adventure and helps you be more productive.
Don't do any creative work for a client, before you receive payment. Don't let it take space in your mind, don't spend any energy on it. Wait until you have received your payment, because you’re not a charity!
Figure out what you want in your business and life, before you start to create your website or any visuals. Create some strategy for your creative adventure, before you spend money on anything else, in case you have trouble figuring out the basics on your own find a business coach or strategist that can help you figure it out.
Be where your ideal client hangs out. If needed pay to be at events they’re at, join their community’s and be visible on Podcast and Blogs their hanging out.
Be human and really connect with your ideal client. Show your human side, talk about your children every now and then and other things that make you you. So they feel safe and connected on a personal level.
Mentioned in the Show:
We're celebrating publishing the show with a big fabulous giveaway!
So make sure to check it out here.
Because I hate it if I don't get something when participating in a giveaway, we'll be giving a little something to everyone that joins!
You don't want to miss out on that!
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